Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pierce - Age: 22 days

Alrighty, it is Christmas Eve and all the 'rents are in town. I picked them up last night from the airport. It is great to have everyone here. Andrew has been a huge help this last week and everything is set to have company. Yay! 

Another great thing is that Pierce's surgeries have healed wonderfully per the surgeons. That means that they are weaning him off the vapotherm. That have been dropping his liters per minute of air that is going in through his nose. This is positive cause he has to be at 3 before they try and turn him over. He is down from 7 to 4 overnight. Hopefully we will be down to three soon so that we can turn him over.

He is so uncomfortable and needs to be in a different position. Plus, I think it is harder to swallow and breathe on my stomach so I can't imagine it is easy for him. This is getting crazy and I think it is time for us to push things a bit farther. Nicole and I are sick of hearing him cry and looking all pissed off, so it's time. Everything is going well except for a few minor setbacks each day which I think are created by the docs, a bit. All in all, a rough couple of days, but I think that we are real close to being at the finish line.

Update as of 1030 am...genetics came by and they have the results of the micro array and they said that no chromosomes are missing or added, so that is great news! They said that a gene that might be mutated or misplaced (as we all have one or two that are out of place or strange) and without more specifics, which they don't have cause every test has come back fine, they won't be able to tell us which one cause they can't test for them all. Not to mention that of the 40,000 genes that we have, geneticists only know of about 10,000 and can only test for about 5,000...so we may not know for a while, if ever...

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