Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Pierce Kovite Zeitler

December l, 2013... evening, football is on, Nicole is cooking & in labor. Yeah, she's cooking. Sevenish rolls around & I am noticing that her contractions are close enough together that we have to go to the hospital. So, off we go. I'm going to make this easy on everyone & just say that labor lasted until 4:20AM when Pierce Kovite Zeitler was born.

Immediately he was whisked away to the NICU because he was having breathing issues. There, they had to put him on a breathing machine.

At this point it was midmorning of December 2, 2013. Nicole & I decided to stay at his bedside all day with only a couple of naps here & there. As the day drug on, we realized that he was going to be there for a while. While this was not easy, we were able to sleep a little bit that evening.

Attached is a picture.

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